Post by Goldenfleeced on Sept 20, 2014 19:38:20 GMT
And since we were speaking of 'lunatic posters,' of whatever ilk... I'd like to continue this thread with something a little bit different; maybe I can use it to measure some 'distance' on this 'journey'... surely, some 'good' Will come of my time spent here. Surely, all things work toward the Good, for those who earnestly seek it... We do choose those things in which we put our 'faith,' whatever they may be; those selections are made, I suppose, in relation to the 'proof' that we can muster to 'support' them, in order that we not appear in the eyes of 'the world' at large as an outright dupe, or idiot, at least. Now, you can say that you earnestly believe that the sun will not rise in the morning, but unless you can offer up some 'proof,' of any kind, to support that 'belief,' let's face it... you are going to look like kind of an idiot. Probably tomorrow afternoon. Conversely, I'm sure that we also put our 'faith' in things that seem to offer many 'proofs,' regardless, sometimes, that there is no real evidence that they are really 'True.' To wit, let's take some of the 'characters' that you've met here on the Internet... they show you a 'photo,' and tell you 'facts' about the place where they live, or what they do, which seem to substantiate all of that, and you believe it... put your 'faith' in it, as an actual matter of fact... but the truth is, there are no real facts in evidence to support those articles of your faith. You see what I mean? Oh, this applies on so many levels... and maybe that's all you're looking for... a 'good story;' whether it be your personal relationships, or deeper still, your 'religion,'- relationship with 'God.' What are the 'articles of your faith?' I put my 'faith' in many things... some paid off... some didn't. In those cases, the facts didn't substantiate the 'proofs,' and at times, I've allowed the 'proofs' to dictate my Faith... but that's not really how 'faith' is supposed to work, is it? The evidence of things not seen... in other words, 'proofs' are probably lacking, but due to the 'integrity' of the 'issuer,' we are able to 'bank on it.' And expect dividends, I'm sure... I think that we can expect to be 'misled' here, and I should expect to meet it... (oh, but lead us not into Temptation) and I can't help thinking that I've failed to uphold the 'Good' that I say that I have faith in, with my Will to resist the thoughts that are constantly being planted that would choke out that Good thing, with doubt and fear and hesitation, as to the possible outcome of the Will and Intention of 'God'... If God be for us, who can be against us...?Indeed. In 'God' we trust. I have to. I'll get back to something after work tonight, I hope... no rest for the wicked... yet... Really, though... you just do gotz to wonder... lolol... And I know you know what I mean...
Post by Goldenfleeced on Sept 21, 2014 7:32:24 GMT
Now, before I go on with another subject tonight, I'd like to add just a couple of things in this regard... If it is not interesting to you, I apologize, but this is my little notebook, after all, and these are my notes... things I need to remark on. And so... I don't know about you all, but I have been approached by several posters, on a couple of forums; I, personally, never actually initiated any conversations with anyone, privately... by 'personal message,' or e-mail, or otherwise. I was always excited to 'meet' anyone... it was nice, to be noticed, I guess, for whatever reason. And what could you know about me except my words... my thoughts, verbalized. And that was, I thought... very nice. And if ever you cared for anything that I ever had to say, I really do thank you; it kind of makes the 'thinking process' more worthwhile, somehow. I took you all at your 'word,' as to who, and what, you were... and I know that in more than one case, my faith was misplaced. I was disappointed to know, firstly, that I was still such a 'Pollyanna,' I guess... and then secondarily, I was more greatly disappointed to know that there might be reasons for you to do what you were doing... and what those reasons might be. I am speaking now (among others) to You, 'Arthur.' What was it that you really wanted from me, 'Arthur?' Not my friendship, after all, which you might have had, easily enough... so, what was it that you wanted from me? Confirmation? Of what...? All I know about 'you' is that you posted a photo of somebody that isn't You... so, I don't know you at all, do I...? I don't... I might ask you how you would expect for anyone to put their 'faith' in you, when all that anyone knows about you is untrue? No matter how 'glamorous' the story is... it's just a story. It isn't really 'you'... you're just a 'fabrication,' or, as the Egyptians used to say, ari-kat... an artificial creation. What you actually did was use me... to give you my thoughts, and add readers to your forum, who (by your own admission) were never 'allowed' to answer any of my posts... and, in an odd turn of events, I see that there are very few answers to my posts here. I often wonder why, although I don't suppose that it matters, really. I just keep talking. I see that you aren't speaking to me any more... I didn't pay off, did I? My apologies... In this case, I can only hope that the 'apprentice' overtakes the 'master,' someday... soon is good... and I have every bit of faith that they Will... But what I really need to say, is that regardless who you really are, or are not, I suppose that it is my own actions/reactions in regard to You, that are of importance to Me... I am not to despise You (even though you must have despised me enough to deprive me of the truth), and despise myself, rather, for my poor reactions to your provocations... really? You're asking a lot. I hope I'm 'Good' for it...
Post by Goldenfleeced on Oct 1, 2014 22:20:19 GMT
Maybe it's time to post another 'confession,' along with an 'apology,' of sorts... I was just laying down to take a short nap, before I showered and got back to the posting, but as I was laying there, I heard a 'bit' by our local radio hosts... my own personal 'talking ass,' as it were... and they were going on about, of all things, a 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' that were posting 'videos' that turned out to be the two of them 'pranking' each other, over and over. They referred to it as 'BF vs GF,' which, let's face it... sounds kind of familiar... Anyway, they were speaking of it all in rather disparaging terms, and asking each other why anyone would, after the first few times, go back without expecting to be 'pranked' again, and then, that it was becoming tiresome to watch... Well... I could hardly resist replying, you know... under the circumstances... And while the likelihood that they are referring in any way to this particular forum are slim to none, as they say, I can't help relating, in a way... To begin with, I don't exactly see it as 'BF vs GF,'- I see it more as a 'Spy vs Spy' situation, or... in the case of the comics, as an analogy... a 'nemesis' situation that always exists. You can understand that, I think; it is indeed a most 'symbiotic' relationship, for better or worse... somebody's got to be the 'straight man,' and in this case, I guess we get to take turns. Another way to look at it, if you like, is that we take turns learning, and teaching... and when we get schooled, we really get 'schooled.' You can't sit down at the table without expecting to take a few losses, here and there... that would be a little too... easy. The truth is that I value the friendship of this particular poster, more than you'll probably ever know... we've been hanging out together for quite a while now, if only in 'spirit,' and as I've always said, I would really, really hate to lose their friendship. I had always hoped for more, but maybe that's not what a 'nemesis' relationship is all about... or maybe we can get beyond the teaching, and the learning, and finally come to some kind of a real 'understanding'... If I hurt your feelings... I apologize. I really, really do... And I would 'confess' it to anyone... I always loved you. I always will. Just sayin'... And, oh... yeah... just for you two... just for 'fun'... I wanted to post up the video of the Christopher Walken skit from SNL where he 'pranks' the guy that took his parking spot... in his basement... all night long... but sadly... nobody took their sweet time to post that one yet, evidently. And it's a real 'classic'... Maybe, instead of wasting your time on 'stupid' 'videos,' you could post up some 'good' ones... Or, you could just keep being a 'Stiffly Stifferson'... And, you don't want to do that, do you...?
Post by ayraman on Oct 2, 2014 7:40:31 GMT
Post by hermethena on Oct 2, 2014 18:09:10 GMT
Oh, Pookie... mines best friend... and maybe that's the BF for realz... we've seen a lot of 'action' since I ran into you these many years ago now... and in retrospect, it really has been that long... (big sighs)...
I always said that 'love' isn't all 'goop'... sometimes, 'love' teaches us the hard lessons... it is a 'destroyer,' as well as a 'builder,' and so... in Truth... we see that our 'God' is 'Love,'- and that, indeed, 'Love is strong as Death,' after all.
Love is a fire, and a true 'transformer'... it is an ego-builder, and an ego-destroyer, as well, since your sense of 'Self' is now invested in something beyond your 'self,' and 'you' no longer exist, as you knew yourself to be... and that which is 'destroyed' is pulled from those 'ashes' like the phoenix, to be reborn in new Power... and this applies to all 'love' relationships... father and child, man and woman, man and 'God'...
Just hang on...
Ah-Pook grins, because he knows...
Post by ayraman on Oct 3, 2014 7:27:27 GMT
Post by Goldenfleeced on Oct 3, 2014 8:01:05 GMT
Me, too... *big sighs* But... on the 'bright side'... if everything goes Right, I can offer you... French roast... ...or french toast... Sounding good yet...? My father has a goat... Lol... I think I'm tired... again... Can I have your arm now?
Post by ayraman on Oct 3, 2014 8:20:51 GMT
Post by Goldenfleeced on Oct 3, 2014 17:43:48 GMT
Now, in regard to this particular bit that I just recited, I have something else to add... I think that it explains a lot, and I think that it's time to broach the subject... after all, we have to 'go all the way' if we're going back to the beginning... And, what do you know...? It is all about 'Eve,' and I think that for this subject, we will have to make a new thread... there is a lot of 'ground' to cover... Lolol... I'll meet you in the garden, under the apple tree... Wouldn't you know that darned raccoon would slip in there, again...? Isn't he cuuuuuute...? And possibly rabid...
Post by Goldenfleeced on Oct 4, 2014 19:09:25 GMT
Before I take my quote from above, and move on with it to another more appropriate thread, I'd like to make one more little 'confession,' that I think is important to mention, and that is this... I check the numbers... of readers, that is, in the last 24 hours... I shouldn't... but I do. And I see that since I made the little spiel about 'pranking' (or maybe that's just 'coincidental'... so much of my life is... but I kind of doubt it), the 'numbers' are down. And I was... disappointed. And then, I had to think about that... you know, we all say that it doesn't matter what other people think about what we think, but the truth is... that's usually not true. We do care... mostly... and I shouldn't. I really can't. Due to the 'nature' of the things that I choose to believe, and pursue, and the subjects that I like to raise for 'discussion,' let's face it, I don't expect to ever be very popular... to say the least... and, I'll never be able to sell you on my 'face,' either; I really wouldn't even want to try... what kind of basis is that for 'real' communication, which is all I was hoping for, anyway...? But I really don't get much of that here, either... in writing... The truth is, though, that if I honestly believe that I may be right about certain of the things that I... believe... then, I tend to look for some kind of 'confirmation;' I'm not sure that's unusual... and I felt as if the numbers were higher, it was some sort of 'confirmation' of what it was that I was 'believing' enough to speak about. I don't know if that's really true... after all... I remember Ezekiel, and I know... they probably think I'm crazy... and even if they 'hear' you, they won't take any of it to 'heart.' But, maybe... just maybe... the 'Jonah' effect will kick in, and it will all take root, somewhere... But, if not... somebody had to say it. And I guess it had to be me. Whether anybody likes it... or not. Whether anybody listens... or not. I was still writing when there were significantly less than 20, and would/ Will continue to express my thoughts, if the total remained permanently at 3... That's still three... And it's still what it is... This is the 'Arrival of AhPook'... Reminds me of something... oh, yes... The Lobster Quadrille... Believe it or not, I know this one by Heart... lol... "Will you walk a little faster?" said a whiting to a snail, There's a porpoise close behind us, and he's treading on my tail. See how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance! They are waiting on the shingle – will you come and join the dance? Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance?
Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?
"You can really have no notion how delightful it will be When they take us up and throw us, with the lobsters, out to sea!" But the snail replied "Too far, too far!" and gave a look askance -- Said he thanked the whiting kindly, but he would not join the dance. Would not, could not, would not, could not, would not join the dance.
Would not, could not, would not, could not, could not join the dance.
"What matters it how far we go?" his scaly friend replied. There is another shore, you know, upon the other side. The further off from England the nearer is to France -- Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance. Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance?
Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?Lobsters are 'sea scorpions,' kind of, if you ask me... and porpoises... Look at this... belongs to Marie de Guise... It's porpoises... and gryphons... How do you like that? Lololol...
Post by ayraman on Oct 5, 2014 7:05:53 GMT
Post by Goldenfleeced on Oct 5, 2014 18:38:57 GMT
Well, you know what I always said... "Nothing makes a party quite like 'Fluffy Whip'..." Lolol... The truth is, I've never 'vaped' my 'whip'... I always look at the can, and think to myself, "What a waste of good whipped cream..." But, to answer your question... I don't know. I assume that it's just readers, whether it be the same one coming back, or more than one coming; and, it doesn't really matter. Where two or more are gathered...That could be me, and, as you say... just One more. And, no... I don't 'bite.' That's what they make 'right hands' for... as well as antidotes...
Post by ayraman on Oct 6, 2014 5:30:30 GMT
Post by ayraman on Oct 6, 2014 5:32:01 GMT
Post by Goldenfleeced on Oct 6, 2014 7:00:24 GMT
Wow... I'm really having a hard time posting tonight... this has taken me at least 30 minutes to get so far... we'll see if it actually posts now. Anyway... what I wanted to say was... You know, I really wish I could... if you know what I mean... *big sighs* But, if it's any consolation, it is 'private stock'... Real 'gold label'... or maybe, that's black label... So, I don't know if you're still there, since I haven't been able to answer, but, if you are... Hay... What's shakin'...?